
Thursday 30 March, 2023

Poem on true love

True love is a many splendored thing.
It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring.
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to the rhyme.
Without love, we're just hollow reeds blowing in time.

True love is the dew on the morning grass.
It's the first warm rays of sunshine that shine through the glass.
Love is the song of the birds in the trees.
It's the gentle breeze that blows through the leaves.

True love is the laughter of children at play.
It's the joy of a new day.
Love is the smile on your face.
It's the warmth of your embrace.

True love is the light in the darkness.
It's the hope in the midst of despair.
Love is the answer to all our prayers.
It's the reason we're here.

So if you're lucky enough to find true love,
Hold on to it and never let it go.
For it's the most precious gift of all.

Wednesday 29 March, 2023

Poem On What Is Love?

Love is a force that moves the heart,
A flame that burns but never parts,
A light that shines through darkest night,
A song that soothes our deepest plight.

It's not just words or mere desire,
But something deeper we aspire,
A bond that grows with every breath,
A connection that defies all death.

Love is the laughter of children's play,
The gentle touch that melts away,
The words that heal a wounded soul,
The warmth that makes us feel whole.

It's in the beauty of a sunset's glow,
The way the wind makes the trees sway slow,
The soft embrace of a lover's kiss,
The simple joy of a shared moment's bliss.

Love is not just what we feel,
But something we must learn to heal,
A choice we make with open heart,
To give and receive, and never part.

Tuesday 28 March, 2023

Haunting Memories: A Poem on Sad Love and Heartbreak

In the depths of my heart, a sad love does dwell
A love that was once bright, now a fading spell
I thought it would last forever, but it was not to be
Now all that's left is a memory that's haunting me

The joyous moments we shared are now just a dream
And the laughter we once had, now a distant stream
The promises we made, now broken and untrue
Leaving behind a void, a love that's overdue

My heart aches with sadness, my eyes filled with tears
For the love that was once strong, now broken and unclear
I try to forget and move on, but it's easier said than done
For the memories of our love are forever etched, one by one

I wish I could turn back time, to the days when love was true
But that's just a wish, a desire that will never come true
So I'll hold on to the memories, of a love that was once grand
And hope that someday, I'll find a love that will understand.

Love is...
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