
Tuesday 28 March, 2023

Haunting Memories: A Poem on Sad Love and Heartbreak

In the depths of my heart, a sad love does dwell
A love that was once bright, now a fading spell
I thought it would last forever, but it was not to be
Now all that's left is a memory that's haunting me

The joyous moments we shared are now just a dream
And the laughter we once had, now a distant stream
The promises we made, now broken and untrue
Leaving behind a void, a love that's overdue

My heart aches with sadness, my eyes filled with tears
For the love that was once strong, now broken and unclear
I try to forget and move on, but it's easier said than done
For the memories of our love are forever etched, one by one

I wish I could turn back time, to the days when love was true
But that's just a wish, a desire that will never come true
So I'll hold on to the memories, of a love that was once grand
And hope that someday, I'll find a love that will understand.

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