
Wednesday 29 March, 2023

Poem On What Is Love?

Love is a force that moves the heart,
A flame that burns but never parts,
A light that shines through darkest night,
A song that soothes our deepest plight.

It's not just words or mere desire,
But something deeper we aspire,
A bond that grows with every breath,
A connection that defies all death.

Love is the laughter of children's play,
The gentle touch that melts away,
The words that heal a wounded soul,
The warmth that makes us feel whole.

It's in the beauty of a sunset's glow,
The way the wind makes the trees sway slow,
The soft embrace of a lover's kiss,
The simple joy of a shared moment's bliss.

Love is not just what we feel,
But something we must learn to heal,
A choice we make with open heart,
To give and receive, and never part.

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